Complete ERP/SAP DB Management
Your Database - Managed!

Complete solution of your data storage

As data requirements continue to grow and IT functions become increasingly critical, it is now important than ever to manage valuable information assets as economically and effectively as possible. Conceptual Consulting can provide a range of solutions for all area of storage and data management including, data protection, availability, recovery and remote VPN management.

DBMS, ERP, SAP a Complete Solution for you Assets

Database Management System to fulfil you needs
We specialise in the design of workgroup and enterprise class databases using Microsoft SQL Server 2008 (and earlier versions) which provides a secure, reliable, and scalable architecture that is designed to meet the needs of the most demanding business applications.

Complete ERP System to work with your business
ERP systems are used to strategy and manage all resources, like finance, inventory, personnel and machines, in an organisation. The ERP software integrates all related data and processes of an organisation into an integrated database. ERP systems are typically designed to cover all basic functions of an organisation, regardless of the organisation's internal business.

Using SAP to streamline you business
A solid foundation is necessary to compete and succeed in the global marketplace. The SAP ERP main application includes the main functions of your business processes and tailored to specific needs of your industry.